Atlanta Braves visit the White House to celebrate World Series win | USA TODAY

President Biden welcomes the Atlanta Braves to White House in celebration of their 2021 World Series championship win.

RELATED: The Atlanta Braves’ controversial tomahawk chop continues into the World Series

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4 Local Landmarks You Should Visit While in Las Vegas

Ethel M Chocolate Factory There are at least 2,000 individuals in a day who visit this chocolate production facility to see how cherry cordials, creams, peanut brittle and truffles, among other sweet treats, are prepared. Lucky guests will be able to view the creation of confectionary delights and can even get a free sample or else dip an ice cream cone. There are free self-guided tours and it will be very tempting to make a purchase after seeing how the sweets were made.

Why Do People Choose Soft Water for Home Uses?

Reasons Not To Use Hard Water Every time hard water flows through plumbing and fixtures, the minerals in it leaves behind some kind of residue on fabric and dishes after these are washed. It comes in the form of a thin, white film present in bathtubs and on faucets that look unsightly. Washing hair with hard water will let it look dull and feel sticky.

What Benefits Can a Water Filter Provide for Your Health?

Take Away Heavy Metals Heavy metals are one of the common contaminants present in tap water. These include arsenic, lead, mercury and dioxins, among others, which can be found in water supplies. Even if these heavy metals come in small concentrations, it is not too clear if consuming water containing them have an effect on some individuals.

Which Is Healthier, Soft Water or Hard Water?

Perhaps people are familiar with terms such as “hard water” and “soft water”. They may be wondering, though, what makes water hard or soft and which of the two are healthier and safer to drink. It is typical of water to be crystal clear however; it contains some minerals and chemicals.

7 Solid Reasons to Install a Water Filtration System

Water is loaded with benefits. It provides refreshment to the body as well to the state of mind. It can cool during hot days and give warmth during cold weather.