Former AG Jeffrey Rosen blindsided by Trump’s meeting with Jeff Clark | USA TODAY

Former DOJ officials said only top officials are supposed to talk to the White House to ensure investigations are “free from political interference.”

RELATED: Jan. 6 hearing: State election officials reveal pressure from Trump | USA TODAY

Jeffrey Clark, the assistant attorney general who wanted the Justice Department to push states to send alternate electors to Washington, told acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen that Trump offered him Rosen’s job at the beginning of January.

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Emotionally Disconnected: Can A Crisis Allow Someone To Connect To Their True Feelings?

If someone is going through a very challenging period, there is the chance that they will have a lot going on internally. As to why this stage of their life is challenging, it could be due to a number of different reasons.

The Amazing Story of Ginny the Elephant (Warning – Get Kleenex!)

I took my Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club students to the San Antonio Zoo to meet an elephant named Ginny. What an amazing story she had!

Disembodied: Can Childhood Trauma Cause Someone To Believe That It’s ‘All About The Mind’?

If someone was traumatised on a weekly, if not daily, basis during their early years, there is a strong chance that they will be in a bad way now that they are an adult. Still, although what took place at this stage of their life will have had a big effect on them, it doesn’t mean that they will realise this.

Oh, the Daze of My Life

When I was young, my mother was quite a fan of a soap opera called “The Days of Our Lives.” I remember the title but I never would watch something like that. However, my mother enjoyed it and so what’s there to complain about. As I was thinking of it, I felt that I should remember the days of my life. But, instead of “days,” I need to put in the word “daze,” which more clearly represents my life. At times, I wish I was 16 again because I was the smartest person in the world. I knew everything; all you had to do was just ask me. Of course, back then, nobody asked me anything. When I got older, I realized that there were a lot of things I did not know. Like one of the FBI directors said, “I don’t know what I don’t know.” I relate to that statement. How my life would change if I knew what I didn’t know? Looking back, I must confess that my life has been primarily in a daze. I did not realize it. It wasn’t until recently that I realized how much of my life was in a daze.

The Sex Industry Focuses on Male Gratification

The sex industry focuses on male sexual pleasuring. Sexual pleasure has negative connotations for women. Women need softer images of romance & relationships.