Man’s makes ‘floating’ suit using corks, tests it out on Lake Michigan | USA TODAY

A 64-year-old man tested out his cork suit, made up of more than 1000 corks, on Lake Michigan to see if he and other family members could float in it.
RELATED: Egyptian city allocates beach spot for visually impaired and blind people

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It Was A Week That Was Shot To Pieces

I only made one mistake last week, which is something of a record for me. I try limiting mistakes to one at a time, but not always in sequential order. I once tried to make my mistakes in a logical order, but it turned out to be a mistake. The one faux pas I made was taking Monday off. I proposed to the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage that we take Monday off late Sunday evening, suggesting a contest to see who could sleep in the longest. The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage readily agreed to my plan. This should have been a tip-off for me. On Monday, we decided to have a “loafing contest” to see who was the best loafer. Up to this point, I assumed superiority in this area. Many things fall into the category of not being able to do by Yours Truly but not this. Therefore, I concluded I had this contest in the bag.

Sex Without Consent Is Rape Regardless of Intent

For men, intercourse is always an erotic act. Women give signals when they are amenable to sex. Rape is perpetrated by men by definition.

Pigeon English by Stephen Kelman

Harrison Opoku is eleven years old an lives in inner-city Britain, In Pigeon English by Stephen Kelman he takes upon himself the detective work to solve a murder by stabbing that has happened nearby. It is a sure way of attracting attention. The book gets truly inside the mind of this inner-city boy and we experience the life and culture of the place from the inside. This is a truly imaginative, yet profoundly real portrait of a culture.

You Are Made For These Times

Ever feel like you want to just leave everything behind and go elsewhere? I sure do. But we’re here. How do we rise to these times?

Personal Power: Does Someone Need To Feel Safe In Order To Embrace Their Personal Power?

If someone is in touch with and is able to express their personal power, there will be no need for them to control others. They will have control over themselves and their own life, which will take away their desire to infringe on another person’s boundaries.