Young boy taken by father, grandmother reunites with mom in Miami | USA TODAY

A mother reunited with her son in Miami, Florida, after the boy went missing for two months. His father and grandmother are now facing charges.

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5 Common Sense Reasons, To Remain Vigilant, About Public Health Issues

The vast majority of people, would agree, we have experienced an unfortunate, horrific, public health crisis, because of this pandemic, of COVID19. Those paying attention, and being ready, willing, and/ or, able, to effectively listen to the advice and recommendations of the public health experts, understand, the only way, to bring this, to a more controllable, safer level, was, first, restricting contact with others, except for essential needs, and loyally, consistently, respecting the concept and necessity, for Social Distancing, and the benefits of wearing a mask. Although, President Trump, either, actually, believed it was a hoax (as he articulated, early…

5 Reasons America Needs Smart Infrastructure Spending Now!

Although, it seems, most agree, this nation needs a well – considered, economic boost, now, in order to take some steps towards helping our economy, and citizens, recover! Merely, haphazardly, throwing good – money, after bad, may have some immediate positive impact, but, is not the optimum approach, or a way, to get, the most bang – for – the – buck! Even, before this pandemic, it should have been obvious, many parts of this nation, have serious, perhaps – crucial, infrastructure needs, which have often, been delayed, for decades.

How to Select the Best Microsoft Dynamics NAV Consultant?

You are living in a world of technology. You abound with technology. The smartphone you are using to read this article is an example of technology, the AC you are using to keep your room cool is an example of technology, even the toilet you are using is also an example of advanced engineering.

The Emerging Medicine in Oncology – DASAKAST 50 (Dasatinib 50 Mg)

Dasatinib can be seen as one of the preferred medicines for the procedural treatment of CML-CP (chronic-phase Chronic Myeloid Leukemia) in salvage and frontline settings. It has been observed that 50 mg of Dasatinib is more effective and tolerated than 100 mg of the daily dose. This was concluded after studies of various cases and their responses.

Treatment for ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia)

Introduction Oncologists suggest different kinds of medicines for patients with cancer. Medicines differ based on the type of cancer the body has. There are different drugs available for treating cancers.