Humpback whale gives California whale watchers an unbelievable view | USA TODAY

Whale watchers off the coast of central California got lucky when they experienced a friendly encounter with three humpback whales.

RELATED: Dolphin pod thrills Auckland jet skier | USA TODAY

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How to Tell the Difference Between Male and Female Birds

As you take in the beauty of nature around you and start to notice more and more of your feathered friends, you might be wondering, “How do I tell male from female from the different bird varieties that look incredibly similar?” I myself was watching a white-breasted nuthatch the other day and asked this very question.

Why Nigerian Pop Soars More Than Ever Before

When Trevor Noah asked Burner Boy, what he thinks is responsible for the sudden rise of Nigerian pop, I disagreed with the answer he gave. According to Burner Boy, music moves from one nation to another and that eventually, it will move away again. The genres of music that was Nigerian pop were Highlife and Juju music.

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Befriend Your Shadows

It’s hard to face our darkest shadows. Yet, facing, and befriending our shadows can be one of the most transformational experiences of our lives. Here are some suggestions for bringing compassion and healing to the unwanted parts of ourselves.

The Benefits Of An Authentic Copy Trading Service

There is a plethora of sites on the internet offering Forex copy trading services that claim to be the number one source of premiere trading signals for your copy trading needs. Unfortunately, not all these sites will be telling the truth, and that’s how things are in the Forex world. If you want to get into copy trading FX without any worries, you must learn to distinguish between the sites worth their salt as well as the sites that aren’t being completely truthful.